Marion Claire
The Speaking is Sexy Coach
Secrets of a Unique and Sexy Speaker is chock full of wonderful tips and trade secrets from one of America’s most gifted public speaking coaches. The book embodies effective lessons that will elevate the understanding and performance of even the most seasoned presenters. Working with Marion over the years on everything from Board presentations to holiday party speeches, I’ve found her advice is always on point. The informational tips and stories are assembled in a coherent, thoughtful and easy to apply guide that is an invaluable tool for speakers at any level.
Kevin O’Connell
CEO/Managing Partner, MGO LLP, San Francisco, CA
Does your business or organization need an experienced, dynamic, Guest Speaker for a special event?
Do you want a Speaker who'll give you the fun and the facts, the shine and the substance?
Marion has been a guest lecturer at Tel Aviv University and at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. She served on the Board of the Professional Coaches & Mentors Association (PCMA) for six years and has won speaking awards at Toastmasters International.
How about a Speaker who can show you how to enhance your personal effectiveness by becoming a proficient speaker yourself?
Marion's presentations fit the needs of businesses, professional organizations, charitable groups, women's forums, and community colleges. One of these may bring just the excitement and interest you need to your next special event:
"Speaking as a Coach: How to Market Yourself from the Platform" addresses the overwhelming personal and professional benefits you'll gain from adding public speaking to your marketing tools.
"Secrets of a Great Presenter: How to Speak Like A Pro" reveals secrets for overcoming self-consciousness, boosting your communication strengths, and being calm, comfortable, confident and compelling when speaking before audiences of 5 to 5,000.
"Speaking Is Sexy: How to Inspire With the Power of Your Voice" shows you how to become a positive and attractive speaker who will successfully influence your audience whenever and wherever you choose."
Speaking tip:
Make yourself comfortable before you begin to speak:
Before I say a word, I look the audience straight in the eye, take a deep breath and say to myself, "Okay, Marion, permit yourself to be delightful!" It's my mantra. It buoys me up and starts me off right every time.